Quarterly FX Forecasts
We provide Quarterly FX Forecasts for 12 countries across Asia as well as the Euro, Sterling, and the Dollar Index. Our short-term tactical views are driven market sentiment, technical trends, and real interest rate dynamics to cater to financial market clients. Our long-term fundamental views leverage our economic growth and inflation forecasts as well as valuation measures to help support corporate clients with FX exposure.
Custom Research
Driven by client-specific needs, our custom research offering allows clients to dictate the analysis we provide. Regular reports include scenario analysis, comparative country studies, and financial market risk mitigation. Whether you’re interested in understanding the potential impact of an oil price surge on a certain economy, want to compare the economic prospects of a number of countries, or are looking for a way to hedge against financial potential financial market instability, we have the expertise on hand.
Consultancy Agreements
We offer businesses requiring more frequent and consistent analytical support the option of a consultancy service where we provide regular calls, presentations, and in-depth analysis customized to your needs.